Browse Items (56 total)

Service brochure for the service on Sunday, July 9, 1899 at the Presbyterian Church in Stamford, Connecticut. The service was presided over by Reverend R.P.H. Vail.
This brochure was a gift to the library from the estate of Lewis Ruscoe.

Pamphlet containing the 1934 calendar and diary for the First Methodist Episcopal Church in Stamford, Connecticut. The church celebrated its sesqui-centennial anniversary. The pamphlet also has a written history of the Methodist Church.

Pamphlet for the first meetings of the Women's Fellowship of the First Congregational Church in 1960. It lays out the schedule of events they planned for the fall of 1960.

Financial statements and auditor's report for the First Congregational Church in Stamford, Connecticut for the year ending December 31, 1942 and the budget for the year of 1943.

Pamphlet from the Tercentenary celebration of the First Congregational Church in Stamford, Connecticut.
The pamphlet opens with a brief history of the church, followed by a listing of the church's ministers and images of the previous buildings.

Program from the installation service for Alfred Grant Walton as the pastor of the First Congregational Church in Stamford, Connecticut on June 12, 1917. Reverend Walton is the seventeenth Pastor of record for the Congregational Church

Morning worship program from the First Congregational Church in Stamford, Connecticut for the date June 25, 1944.

Program from the ordination service for Patricia Rothwell Robbennolt at the First Congregational Church in Stamford, Connecticut on March 1, 1959.

Brochure from the First Congregational Church in Stamford, Connecticut with the schedule of readings for October 1893.

Leaflet from the Congregational Church in Stamford, Connecticut inviting parents to bring their children to the church. It also mentions that donations will be provided to the relief of the Johnstown, Pennsylvania flooding in 1889.
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