Browse Items (18 total)

Recording of interview with Joyce Carwin done on July 11, 2017 at the Ferguson Library in Stamford, Connecticut. Ms. Carwin speaks about growing up in Stamford and about her grandmother, Dr. Joyce Yerwood, a significant figure in Stamford's history…

Posed portrait photograph of Joyce Carwin as a little girl dressed in a formal dress.

Posed portrait photograph of Joyce Carwin as a girl in a formal dress.

Posed portrait photograph of Dr. Joyce Yerwood. Dr. Yerwood was the first black female physician in Fairfield County and was a tireless advocate for the her Stamford community.

Posed portrait photograph of Dr. Joyce Yerwood. Dr. Yerwood was the first black female physician in Fairfield County and was a tireless advocate for the her Stamford community.

Posed portrait photograph of Dr. Joyce Yerwood in formal attire. Dr. Yerwood was the first black female physician in Fairfield County and was a tireless advocate for the her Stamford community.

Photograph of the home where Dr. Joseph Carwin and Dr. Joyce Yerwood lived in Old Greenwich, Connecticut.

Group photograph of the Yerwood Male Chorus. Dr. Joyce Yerwood is sitting in the front row on the right. Her husband, Dr. Joseph Carwin is second from the left in the back row.

Back Row:
C.B. Griffin - Dr. J. Carwin - Garland Long - O. Parker -…
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